fall mini-session

Cold Fall Morning {Washington DC Family Photographer}

I have been photographing this family since big sister was a newborn! She is always so fun to capture with a big personality and her little brother is definitely following in her footsteps. Despite the cold temperatures on this October morning (and even some sickness!) this family looked beautiful and pushed through the cold to get these beautiful pictures. I’m so glad to still be photographing them four years later.

Fall Family Fun {Washington DC Family Photographer}

This was a dream fall mini-session. I’ve photographed this sweet family before so I’ve had the chance to get to know them and these two kids are fun and funny. We had a beautiful fall morning as the backdrop to capture these sweet toddlers.

Fun in the Rock Creek Park {Washington DC Family Photographer}

I had met this little guy when he was a mere newborn and it was so fun to see him and his parents now that he’s grown. He was all smiles and made taking his picture so fun!

Morning in Rock Creek Park {Washington DC Family Photographer}

I loved seeing this family again. Last time I photographed them, this big three year old was only a few months and now I got to meet his adorable little sister. Even though she is only a few months old, she was already a great little photo subject cooing and smiling at her dad. Her big brother continues to shine.

One Year Old {Washington DC Family Photographer}

This little boy is already one. His first year has flown by and his mom wanted to make sure to capture him at this fun and sweet age. He is just on the verge of his first steps so it was fun to watch him explore the beautiful gardens on an early June morning.

Fun Family Down South {Washington DC Family Photography}

This is one of my oldest friends and her family. I love photographing them when I go down to visit family in Atlanta over Thanksgiving. She has two adorable and energetic kids who are more than happy to run around and giggle. I love watching them grow.

Big Kids-H Family Silver Spring, MD {Washington DC Family Photography}

If you've looked around here a bit, you will recognize that my business is mostly kids under five. And if I'm being realistic, its a whole lot of kids in their first year, if we can even call them kids then. I'm used to clapping when they sit up unassisted, fake sneezing, playing peek-a-boo and doing a whole lot of embarrassing voices and games to get smiles. So photographing this family where the youngest was eleven years old seemed like quite a breeze. Everyone could sit up on their own, there were no tantrums though there did seem to be quite a few cell phones pop up during our session. It was fun to be able to make real jokes that don't involve animal noises and watch as this loving family engaged with each other before oldest son heads off to college in the fall. Thanks for a wonderful evening H family.

Rock Creek Family Fall Mini-Session {Washington DC Family Photographer}

With almost two year olds you never know what they'll be like. They could be cooperative or want nothing to do with the camera. They could love being held by their parents in sweet poses or want to run free. Well this two year old was any photographer's dream. She never whined or complained despite freezing temperatures. She never ran off. And she did almost any pose her dad told her to. In fact, he stood behind me and she just copied him. And having two awesome parents didn't hurt. Thank you sweet E for being such a fantastic photo subject. Two years olds in DC-learn from her!