I met this family for the first time before their daughter was even born. All three kids are hilarious and I love photographing them every year at Bishop’s Garden in Washington DC. They keep me on my toes and we’re always laughing by the end.

I met this family for the first time before their daughter was even born. All three kids are hilarious and I love photographing them every year at Bishop’s Garden in Washington DC. They keep me on my toes and we’re always laughing by the end.
I love seeing this family every year. I’ve even photographing them since this big brother was a newborn, back in their DC row house days. We’ve now all moved to Chevy Chase and I love that we’re still working together. These boys are always wiggly and giggly and I’m so glad we can capture all these smiles and laughs every year.
I met this family almost a year ago when I went to their Washington DC apartment to do their newborn photos for their new baby boy. Well now he is already sitting up and a big bonus: it happened to be big brother’s third birthday. What a fun way to make the special day!
These are very old friends of mine. In fact, I was there when they first met. They now have this beautiful family and wanted to get updated family photos as a birthday gift. I thought this was a great idea and I love that we could make a beautiful summer evening work-easier with bigger kids. Of course, having a big beautiful backyard to use helped too. If you can swing a summer evening session, I highly recommend it.
This was the perfect time to photograph this little girl. People often ask when the best time to photograph your baby is? The easy answer: there is no bad time! She smiled and cooed and was loved on by her parents and grandparents. It was a beautiful Chevy Chase morning to capture this loving family.
I believe this is the third year in a row I’ve photographed this family and this little guy just keeps getting cuter. He has such a fun and funny personality and I love capturing it. His parents are so easy and loving and of course a cute dog makes every photo better!
I have been photographing this family for years, even before little sister arrived. These three kids are cute and sweet and even put up with A LOT of gnats buzzing around us. They were still giggles and laughs.
This is my second year photographing this family and I’m so glad I got to see them again. Both kids are fun and funny and were such good sports for our photos in beautiful Bishop’s Garden.
I love seeing this family year after year. This is my third year in a row photographing these cute girls always in front of their beautiful Washington DC home. Both girls seem so grown up now and are fun to photograph each year.
Could these boys be any cuter? Not only did they have great smiles and were full of fun things to say but they were also such willing photo subjects! This was one of my very last fall sessions and I was happy to end on such a high note.