What more could a newborn photographer hope for than a beautiful baby boy in a bright and warm nursery? This little guy and his fan club were so fun to photograph and chat with.

What more could a newborn photographer hope for than a beautiful baby boy in a bright and warm nursery? This little guy and his fan club were so fun to photograph and chat with.
This little boy was only a few weeks but already such a great little model. Most newborns are some combination of fussy or sleepy during their photos but he was wide awake showing off his beautiful big eyes which his parents (and visiting Grandma) just adored looking at. It is clear he is already so loved.
Well if this red headed big sister wasn’t cute enough, add a sweet little baby brother who slept through most of his first photo session. I loved capturing this Capitol Hill family and all of their love and energy!
This two week old boy was a great little photo subject. He snoozed, he looked around, and he cuddled up with his sweet parents. I’m so glad I got to capture him at this tiny stage and this new family of three in their beautiful Washington DC apartment.
I loved meeting this little girl and her awesome parents. They had a beautiful well lit bedroom and two adorable dogs (scroll down to see). She was a perfect little model with bright eyes.
While I was very excited to meet this little guy, apparently he was happy to sleep through our whole session together. These new DC parents were very relaxed. Perhaps that has rubbed off on their little guy since we could not get him to open his beautiful little eyes until the last 2 minutes I was there! I loved seeing this new family of three plus their gorgeous pup!
These new parents get the reward for “pulling it together the fastest”. Their sweet baby girl was only 5 days old when I came to photograph her. She was calm and alert the whole time-I barely heard a peep. They had a beautiful well-lit nursery which was a beautiful backdrop for our photos. What a wonderful morning.